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Episode 004: Becoming a Business Networking Pro with Marsha Shandur (Yes, Yes Marsha)

By February 4, 2015March 5th, 20154 Comments

Are you terrified of the idea of walking up to a stranger at a networking event and starting a conversation? Do you shudder at the thought of having to hold a dialogue about you and what you do? Does ‘closing the sale’ make you die a little inside? Networking expert, Marsha Shandur, will challenge everything you thought you knew about this topic and give you proven tools and ideas to help you rock your next networking event.

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In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • How Marsha went from Business Networking Newbie to Rockstar
  • The #1 reason why people are terrified of networking and what you need to do to overcome it
  • What to say and what to do to start great conversations with anyone
  • How to escape a conversation without feeling like a jerk
  • How to join a group of people who are already in a conversation
  • How to step-by-step turn a networking contact into a customer
  • What you need to do to stand out (in a great way) to people at an event
  • The specific questions you can ask to be interesting, keep the conversation going and get people to feel great about you


Links, tools & resources:

Marsha’s Start Some Shift Resource Page (made just for Start Some Shift listeners with lots of great resources)

Amy Cuddy TED Talk – Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are


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