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Episode 009: Heather Crabtree on how to streamline your business with tools & systems

By March 10, 2015August 2nd, 2022No Comments

Do you feel like you’re wasting a lot of your day doing tasks that aren’t productive? Do you wish you could spend less time doing things that don’t matter so you could focus on really growing your business? My guest, Heather Crabtree – creator of the program, Streamline With Systems, will share 10+ tools and techniques that’ll have you running like a well-oiled machine!

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Streamline your business with systems” artist=”Heather Crabtree & Lara McCulloch” ]

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In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • The secrets to offloading time-sucking tasks to high qualified people without having to hire a costly consultant or an administrator

  • Amazing tools that’ll cut down your time managing emails, invoicing, project management and getting signatures by hours every day

  • How to manage your social media accounts more efficiently

  • How to get your team using and excited about these new tools & systems

Links, tools & resources:

How to streamline your business:

Step 1: Track what you do during the day (write down each task and how much time you spend doing it) for about a week.

Step 2: Organize those tasks into 3 buckets: Do It (things you need to do yourself), Delete It (tasks that are simply time-wasters) and Delegate It (tasks that need to be done, but not by you).

Step 3: Identify what resources you need to accomplish the Delegate It tasks – use an employee within your organization, hire someone (either a new employee or outside contractor) or hire a VA (virtual assistant).

Step 4: Confirm what tools / systems can help you make the Do It tasks more efficient.

Email Tools: – unsubscribe from emails with one click & organize your remaining emails.

Streak – customer relationship management for you inbox – schedule appointments right from your email

Accounting Tools:

Freshbooks –  FreshBooks makes your accounting tasks easy, fast and secure. Start sending invoices, tracking time and capturing expenses in minutes.

Signature Tools:



Social Media Tools:



Project Management Tools:




Thank you so much for listening!

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Please note that, on occasion, products are recommended on the show and links are provided in the show notes. Some of these are affiliate links however I ONLY include products I actually use, enjoy, and benefit from for my business.