Odds are you have a website. And, odds are that site is missing one key component that’s costing you customers and sales. Opt In Expert, Nathalie Doremieux, is going to share a simple, low-cost strategy that can exponentially grow your leads and sales and become one of your company’s most valuable assets…an email list.
[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/startsomeshift/SSS_006.mp3″ title=”Building a Killer Email List ” artist=”Nathalie Dorémieux & Lara McCulloch” ]
In this episode, you’ll learn more about:
- Why your email list is one of the most valuable assets for your business
- How to build a quality list, step-by-step…even if you don’t have a website
- 3 strategies to collect email addresses on your site
- The biggest reasons why people aren’t giving their email to you (and what to do about it)
- How to create an opt-in offer that’ll have your target audience salivating at the mouth
Links, tools & resources:
Nathalie’s Power of Opt-Ins Course
The FTC’s CanSPAM regulations for ethical email marketing
Clay Collins’ Lead Pages (create a landing page, without needing a website)
Clay Collins’ Lead Boxes (available via the Lead Pages link above)
Nathalie Lussier’s PopupAlly (Wordpress plugin)
The Steps you need to get started in List Building:
1. A list management system like: MailChimp Email Marketing service
2. Create a list
3. Create an opt-in form for the list
4. Paste code into your website (or LeadPages) to place the list opt-in on your site
5. Create a welcome email in your list management system with a link to your freebie
Top 3 Strategies for List Building
1. Create an opt-in below your blog post & make the opt-in offer relevant to the topic of the blog post
2. Create a 2-step opt-in (this is what Nathalie refers to as the “Yes Ladder” used by Clay Collins to increase opt-ins by 60%)
3. Create an exit pop-up that appears when people leave your site
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Please note that, on occasion, products are recommended on the show and links are provided in the show notes. Some of these are affiliate links however I ONLY include products I actually use, enjoy, and benefit from for my business.