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Episode 015: Networking for Millennials: How to find your dream job in the event industry with Anita Wing Lee

By May 7, 2015August 2nd, 2022No Comments

Today’s guest is a totally dynamic and accomplished young woman by the name of Anita Wing Lee. Anita is a transformational life and business coach who is focused on helping millennials land their dream job and learn how to network.

By the time she was 23, using the same techniques she talks about in today’s episode, she had traveled to 21 different countries (all the while getting paid). She had landed amazing internships around the world and had chalked up more experiences than most people earn in a lifetime. She’s appeared in The Huffington Post, numerous TV outlets and is an award-winning speaker.

I asked her to be on the show so she could help not only students looking to break into the industry, but anyone, at any age, who wants to get their foot in the door either into the event or wedding industry or a dream company.

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Networking for Millennials: How to land your dream job in the event industry” artist=”Anita Wing Lee & Lara McCulloch” ]

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In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • How Anita Wing Lee was able to secure paid internships that allowed her to travel to 21 different countries around the world
  • What you need to be doing now to align yourself with amazing leaders in the event industry
  • How to get your foot in the door, get noticed and get hired by your dream company
  • How to find a mentor who can set you up for career success

Thank you so much for listening!

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