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My 5 secrets for getting interviewed on top podcasts

Want to know one of the best ways to build expertise, grow your audience and fast-track sales?

The answer is Authority.

Authority introduces you to new markets
It builds influence,
It can be your point of differentiation
Instead of pushing for sales, you can attract prospects and bring sales to you
And it’s FREEEE!

One of my favourite ways to build authority is by being a podcast guest.
Here are my 5 secrets for getting interviewed on top podcasts.
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  1. Get known for 1 thing.
    Stand apart by niching your services to a 1-single area of specialty.
  2. Build your own authority
    Use tools like social media to build your own content around your specialty topic, as I do on this channel.
  3. Highlight social proof
    Answer: why should people believe you’re a recognized expert on this topic?
  4. Create a timely and relevant topic
    Within your expertise niche, think about how you can mould a topic around what’s timely and relevant right now.
  5. Make a Them-centered pitch.
    Rather than focus on you, make your pitch all about the podcast host and their audience.

If you want to steal the podcast outreach letter I use to get featured on top podcasts, go to the link in my bio
and follow me for tips on how to WIN MORE BUSINESS.