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Want to know how to follow up without being annoying? Look no further.

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How to stay in touch with prospects without being annoying

You’ve made the sale call or presentation, and the prospect doesn’t seem ready to buy. What do you do?

If you watched one of my last videos, you know that 80% of sales are made after the 5th follow-up, and 83% of your prospects won’t be buying what you’re selling for at least 3 months.

How do you follow up without annoying them?
The answer is NOT to email them constantly asking for the sale.
Here are 3 ways you can stay in touch.

  1. Find ways to add value
    Introduce them to a connection you know can help them,
    make a referral to their business,
    share content about a problem they’re having.
    Focus on how you can be of service to them.
  2. Build the relationship
    Host a VIP dinner at an exciting new restaurant with client and prospects.
    Invite them to something you know they’ll enjoy that’ll give you an opportunity to deepen the relationship.
  3. Deliver the unexpected
    Send a hand-written note talking about what you enjoyed about your conversation.
    Send tickets to the play they mentioned they loved in your conversation.
    Show them, before the sale, that you listen to them and care about their experience with you.

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