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1 Sales Hack (no one is talking about) to Accelerate Your Relationships

By September 15, 2022No Comments

A major factor in the success of any business is how well you can sell your product and services to prospective customers. Whether you are a small-scale startup with limited resources or a larger business with plenty of capital, developing relationships with potential clients is paramount to company success. However, it may not be as straightforward as it seems. Developing relationships with potential clients takes time and effort. So, how do you accelerate your success when your competition is hot on your heels?

What are Uncommon Commonalities?

I first heard about this hack from Jayson Gaignard. He’s a super-connector, named a top networker to watch by Forbes and MastermindTalks founder. He holds intimate dinners and events for some of the most successful founders across the globe…and he’s world renowned for doing this very well

When he holds an event he’s looking for Uncommon Commonalities between guests – and he uses that intel to seat people together – because he knows that when people have something in common, especially if it’s uncommon, their chances of bonding greatly increase.

The same is true in sales.

We’ve all heard the adage: people do business with other people they know, like and trust. Well, we tend to like and trust people who are like us. So, when building a relationship with someone, try to uncover your uncommon commonalities.

How do Uncommon Commonalities help accelerate sales relationships?

Before you can work to build relationships with potential clients, you have to first understand what constitutes a relationship. A relationship can be defined as a connection between two or more people or things based on shared experience. The key to accelerating the process of building relationships is to find commonalities between you and your prospects. Finding uncommon commonalities means that you discover connections between you and your clients that are not immediately obvious. For example, if you are a business owner who cares about the environment, one uncommon commonality you might have is that you have an environmentally friendly product. Your clients could also be environmentally conscious.

Think of Uncommon Commonalities as a bridge between you and your prospective customer.

Developing relationships will not only lead to increased sales, but it will also help you gain clients who are loyal to your brand. Loyal customers are more likely to buy more products, recommend your brand to friends and support your business in other ways. In order to form a relationship with your clients, you have to be able to relate to them.

How do you Find Uncommon Commonalities with your Prospect?

Before you can start to build relationships with your prospects, you have to first find out what uncommon commonalities you have with them. This may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually MUCH simpler than you may think.

  1. Don’t focus solely on boardroom talk. In other words, don’t be afraid to get personal with your prospect. Asking them questions like: “What do you have planned this weekend?” is a great way to get to know them better.
  2. Their bio can be revealing. Before you meet, look up their corporate or LinkedIn bio to find clues about their passions, marital status, whether they have kids or where they went to school. Our interests or life stages are often a common bridge.
  3. Follow them on social media. If appropriate, follow them on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook and pay attention to what they share. We can learn a lot about someone through their daily posts.
  4. Share something personal about you first. Moving someone from a purely working relationship to one that feels more personal can feel like an awkward transition. So, one way of making it feel more natural is to lead first. Share something about you or what you have planned to open up the dialogue. They’ll likely follow.


The relationship between seller and buyer is an important one. It is essential to cultivate trust and rapport with your customers if you want to build a successful business. You can accelerate the process of building relationships with potential clients by identifying uncommon commonalities, such as shared hobbies or interests, values or beliefs.