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Episode 017: How to Sell when you hate Sales

By June 23, 2015No Comments

Cold calling. I have yet to meet someone who loves it.

Those two words responsible for more anxiety and cold sweats than “hungry dinosaur” and “disgruntled mailman”.

If you’re anything like I was, you would rather pluck your eyelashes out one by one than make a call. But would you believe that I (someone who had no sales experience and an aversion to schmarmy sales) actually learned to love cold calling? AND my calls resulted in $3.5MM in new business opportunities in a $7MM business?

Want to know how?

Listen to this episode…

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Cold Calling: How to sell when you hate sales” artist=”Lara McCulloch” ]

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In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • How to shift your mindset so you’re eager to call someone you don’t know
  • How to create a connection and get someone interested in what you’re selling
  • The 1 sentence that has gotten me an almost 100% success rate


Links, tools & resources:

Blog post: The Ultimate Guide to Selling When you Hate Sales



Thank you so much for listening!

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