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Episode 018: How to generate revenue super quick (especially if your biz is in emergency-mode)

By July 8, 2015August 28th, 2015No Comments


So, here’s the thing. Every company has its ups and downs. When things are good, your phone is ringing off the hook and you’re skipping to the bank to deposit all of your cheques. But on the flip side, many businesses also experience a time when those phone calls dry up. They struggle financially and wonder how they’re going to pay their bills. Some even wonder if they’ll survive.

Today is about those hard times. I’m going to share 5 strategies you need to know to generate revenue quickly…even if you’re afraid of selling, an introvert or suffer from mindset issues.

Listen to this episode…

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(if you are unable to see the podcast player above, you can access the episodes on the Start Some Shift website:


In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

    • The 3 ways any business can increase revenue
    • 5 simple strategies (and a challenge) to help you create a plan for bringing in money (now)
    • The common mistakes business owners make when they shift into emergency-mode…that end up COSTING them time and money
    • …and if you want to know more about sales, listen to the following podcast episodes:



Links, tools & resources:

Here’s your challenge (that I mention in the Podcast). Make a list of the following:

1. Customers you can upsell to.

2. New products / services you can offer to existing and new customers.

4. Customers or new projects you can raise your prices with.

5. Potential new / re-engaged customers: This includes:

  • Lapsed Customers
  • Uncontacted Leads
  • Non-fits
  • HOT list

Also consider creating a challenge in your office. I.e. Every Friday, ask your team to come up with 1 idea to bring in an additional $500.


Thank you so much for listening!

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