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Episode 021: Peeling back the curtains – Kevin White interviews Lara McCulloch in a social experiment

By August 20, 2015No Comments


OK, so today we’re going to do something TOTALLY different. A few weeks ago, I got an email from Kevin White with a suggestion that caught me off guard.

Now, if you don’t know who Kevin is, he’s the President of the International Special Events Society and for nearly two decades he’s been designing and producing corporate events around the world. He’s worked with very well known Fortune 100 companies. And he currently heads XPL, an experiential design agency. He also teaches at the Event Leadership Institute and is an Adjunct Professor at New York University in the Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management School.

So, back to this suggestion he made to me. He listens to the show and said that he thought I needed to do an episode to let people know more about the girl behind Start Some Shift.

Well, I asked Kevin if he would do the honours and interview me and he said ‘yes’!

In this show, I’m going tell you why I think introverts make better marketers, why Canadians are misunderstood, what scares me and how and why I push through my fears, what the perfect business day consists of and what puts a smile on my face (and much, much more). I’m also going to share a very personal story (that almost made me cry)

At the very least this episode is guaranteed to be entertaining.

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(if you are unable to see the podcast player above, you can access the episodes on the Start Some Shift website:


In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • Why introverts make better marketers
  • How I push through my greatest fears every day
  • What the world should know about Canadians
  • Why I consider myself a feminist and my thoughts on women-led businesses
  • What the last thing that made me smile uncontrollably was
  • If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now, what my dream job would be



Links, tools & resources:

Kevin White’s website



Thank you so much for listening!

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