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Do you want your small business to dominate your market? Or, at the very least, build success? Let me tell you how to gain top market position in under 1 minute.

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How do you dominate your market?

Let me ask you a question… Is your brand cut out to be a leader?
I believe every brand has the opportunity to gain dominance in its market, but you have to understand the fundamentals of positioning strategy first.

In business, you have 3 strategic choices to gain a leadership position for your brand…and only 3. Not 4, 5 or 6. Just 3.

  1. You can choose to be the LOW PRICE LEADER which means that you offer the lowest prices in your marketplace. This is often called a race to the bottom as competitors will often try to take this position from you and lower their prices. You’re forced to respond by lowering yours and the challenge continues. This is a difficult position for a small business to attempt and maintain, so many don’t have this as an option.
  2. You can choose to be the NOISE LEADER which means you spend more than anyone else in your industry on advertising so you create the most noise. Again, this is a hard position for small businesses because you need to have a lot of money. And, it can be expensive to maintain. Often the cost of marketing rises over time as competitors try to increase their volume.
  3. Now, if neither of these 2 choices are options for your business you only have 1 other choice. You need to have a DISRUPTIVE CURE – a cure to an untapped problem for a narrowly defined audience that creates disruption in your market.