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Episode 012: Overcoming sales objections – Kendrick Shope shares 7 strategies on how to turn a sales NO into a YES!

By April 1, 2015April 7th, 2015No Comments

We’ve all been there. You’re following up with a prospect and despite your best sales pitch, they respond with, “Sorry, but the other event planning company was cheaper”.

What do you do? How do you respond? Can you turn this around?

No matter what they throw at you, my guest, Kendrick Shope, will unveil some of the most powerful techniques you can use to overcome even the toughest sales objections…without being pushy or salesy.

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Overcoming Sales Objections – 7 strategies to turn a sales no into a YES!” artist=”Kendrick Shope & Lara McCulloch” ]

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In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • Kendrick’s 7 powerful tools for overcoming sales objections, whether you’re a passive or aggressive personality (and none will leave you feeling salesy or pushy)
  • How to overcome the sales objection: “You’re too expensive”
  • How to overcome the sales objection: “I don’t have money in the budget for ____”
  • How to overcome the sales objection: “I have to speak to _____ (someone else) about your quote / proposal”
  • How to overcome the sales objection: “We’re happy with who we’re working with already”
  • How to use empathy to hook your prospect and keep them engaged
  • The biggest reason you’re getting a no instead of a yes



Links, tools & resources:

Kendrick Shope’s website



Thank you so much for listening!

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