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Episode 019: Prosperity & Mindset…how your thoughts, beliefs and emotions impact your finances

By July 29, 2015August 28th, 2015No Comments


Many entrepreneurs struggle financially. Whether you can’t save money, aren’t earning enough or don’t know what a P&L is, my guest Joan Sotkin is here to help. Joan is a prosperity & mindset mentor and speaker. She’s THE expert when it comes to understanding how emotions learned in early childhood can affect a person’s earning capacity as an adult. For over 25 years she’s helped entrepreneurs stop struggling financially. And, listen, she knows about struggle. She went from operating a business that was generating the equivalent of $50K / month in today’s dollars to bankruptcy.

Not only will she share that story with you, she’s also going to tell you how mindset and emotions have a massive impact on your financial health and what you need to do to – very specifically – with your thoughts and actions so that you can get on the road to prosperity.

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Prosperity & Mindset…how your thoughts, beliefs and emotions impact your finances (ep 019)” artist=”Joan Sotkin & Lara McCulloch” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

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In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • How your thoughts, beliefs and emotions have a hold on your financial health
  • How changing 1 small behaviour can have a major impact on changing your money mindset
  • How to identify if you have financial vagueness syndrome
  • The biggest financial mistakes most people make
  • Step-by-step, how to overcome your biggest issues and start building your cashflow



Links, tools & resources:

Download Joan Sotkin’s book for FREE by clicking this link.

Healing the Shame that Binds You (Recovery Classics) by John Bradshaw

Market Mind Games: A Radical Psychology of Investing, Trading and Risk

TV Show:

The Profit 

Money Management Tools:

  • Quickbooks
  • Quicken
  • iBank


Thank you so much for listening!

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