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Ever had a client tell you your pricing was too high? There’s nothing worse than hearing you’re too expensive and losing to a lower-priced competitor. I’ll tell you why you’re hearing this sales objection in under a minute.

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5 reasons you’re hearing “you’re too expensive”

Ever had a customer tell you your pricing is too high? Here’s 5 reasons why:

  1. You haven’t emphasized the gap that exists between where they are now and where or who they want to be. If they don’t see a big enough gap, they’re comfortable staying where they are or going with someone who’s lower priced.
  2. You haven’t done a good enough job quantifying the value you give them in exchange for their investment. Watch my “what’s 1 shift you can make to charge more” video for more detail on this.
  3. You sound like everyone else that’s selling to them. If you look, feel and sound like everyone else in your market your customer will pay the lowest possible price.
  4. You are overpriced. In other words, the price you’re charging is more than the perceived value you generate for your customer.
  5. You’re selling to the wrong customer. Look, there will always be price shoppers or people who don’t appreciate the value you provide because it’s just not aligned with their needs or pains.