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Here’s how you can build your authority in 5 easy steps!

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5 Steps to building brand authority

Here are 5 steps to build authority in the B2B space
that don’t cost money, and you can start right now.

This is how you can go from being new in an industry with no contacts or knowledge
to becoming the go-to expert in your field

  1. the first thing I did was volunteer to be a board member in my industry association
    This will put you on a pedestal and make it simple for you to network because you won’t just a peer; you’ll be an authority figure.
  2. next, I leveraged my association leadership to build relationships with experts & influencers
    Focus on building working relationships with the people your prospects look up to. They’ll open doors for you.
  3. then I began to share my expertise
    At the time, I created a blog, and it allowed me to figure out what resonated with my market and get recognized for my expertise.
  4. then I snowballed my expertise into participating in industry discussions
    Having confidence in my unique perspective allowed me to weigh in on larger industry discussions
  5. lastly, I began public speaking on my niche topic
    With a platform, awareness, industry knowledge and connections, you can command a spot on the stage.
    And, nothing will have you build authority faster.

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