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Here’s how to smash through the clutter of competitors and get your ideal customer to call YOU.

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This is how to differentiate your business pre-sale

Service based businesses, listen up.
Here’s how you’re going to smash through the clutter of competitors
and get your ideal customer to call YOU.

First, know this…
For product-based businesses, product itself is often a differentiator.
For service businesses, differentiating one business from another can only be seen AFTER the customer hands you money and does business with you.
So, how do you show your PROSPECTS what makes you different?


Back in my ad agency days, I came back from lunch to find a beautifully wrapped package on my desk.
I opened it.
Inside was a folded letter and an egg.
I opened the letter and it said, “We know how much care & attention you put into the packages that go out to your clients. If this egg is fully intact, you know how much care & attention we put into delivering packages on behalf of our clients.”

Almost every day we’d get sales letters from courier companies.
They’d all say the EXACT SAME THING.
We’re the fastest & the cheapest
Problem was that this meant nothing to us because if a package was lost we could lose a major account.

This company was the opposite of fast & cheap.
They stood for care an attention.
And they showed this to us BEFORE the sale.
And we gave them our business almost immediately.

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