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How to say “No, I don’t work for free”, politely.

Service-based businesses, have you ever been asked to provide your services for free
and you weren’t sure how to say “no” while still being polite?

Here are 7 ways to kindly and firmly decline working for free.

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  1. I don’t provide free services at this time. I’m happy to set up a coaching appointment with you if you’re interested in my paid consulting services.
  2. Thanks so much for thinking of me! You can review my services and pricing using this link. Let me know if you have any questions.
  3. I appreciate you thinking of me! Can you confirm what your budget is for this project?
  4. Thanks for the message! I’m happy to answer your questions. You can book a consulting call with me using this link.
  5. Thank you for your message! Out of respect to my paying clients, I’m not able to answer your questions by email. Let me know if you’re interested in working as a consulting client, and I’m happy to provide my rates and availability.
  6. I’m honoured that you’re coming to me for advice. I’m not taking on any pro-bono work at this time. However, please take a look at our entry-level client package here…
  7. Thank you for reaching out! Here are a few of my best resources that may help you.

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